Welcome to the Digital Sources4u Affiliate Program….

Thanks for checking out our program. I know you’re going to like it and I know you’ll see it’s one of the easiest ways to profit from PLR.

Here’s How You’ll Benefit From Being An Affiliate:

High Commissions— We give you a Whopping 25% commission on EVERY product sold. With some higher prices products, your payouts can add up quickly.

Link To Any Page—This is the good part and the profitable edge you’ll have. You can quickly and easily generate a referral link for any product we carry. You could even send traffic to the category pages to sell multiple items or give them a bigger selection. This allows you to target your traffic and achieve higher conversions.

Monthly Payouts —No more waiting to get your hard-earned money, we will pay you each and every month for your sales. And it’s all paid through Pay Pal. No waiting for a check in the mail.

Multiple Money-Making Opportunities—Not only do we have related products listed on every product page, but we also have related cross-sells for many products that display when someone adds an item to their shopping cart. Also, we have a °recently viewed” widget in the sidebar that displays on every page of the store, even in the shopping cart and checkout. We also show tightly related cross-sells in a shopping cart pop-up for many products.

The Selection —With over 5,000 products, covering all the popular niches and markets, there is a good chance the traffic you send will find something (and often multiple items) that they want to purchase with the Digital Sources4u affiliate program. There are several formats including, articles, video, slideshow presentations, resumes, audio, and much more.

Detailed Product Descriptions— We go out of our way to create very detailed product descriptions. Best in the business if you ask me. Look around if you don’t believe me. With such detail and sales techniques built-in, you’ll likely see higher conversions on your traffic. While we cannot guarantee any conversions, we’ve done our best to make the sale for you.

Regular Updates—We add new products every week, so you’ll always have new items to promote and your traffic will have new products to buy.

Superior Support—We take customer support very seriously, so you’ll know your hard-earned traffic, referrals, and recommended traffic will be taken care of and treated right. We go above and beyond for our customers and we’ll do the same for your referrals.

30-Day Cookie —You’ll get credit for your traffic for a full 30 days. So even if they don’t buy the first time, if they come back within 30 days and make a purchase you get money. You could be getting paid for traffic you sent days, weeks, or months ago.

We Handle Everything —All you need to do is send traffic. We handle the rest. We take care of orders, questions, any issues, and all the support your buyers require. Does it get any easier? Digital Sources4u is easy and simple to use.

The Details:

The Money—You will earn a 25% commission on everything your traffic buys with the Digital Sources4u affiliate program. If they purchase multiple items at once, you’ll get a commission on everything in their cart. As I’ve said, many of our customers order multiple items at once, which can mean bigger commissions for you.

Commission Payouts—We will pay you once a month. Here at The Digital Sources4u Store, we go well above and beyond to ensure customer satisfaction. Because of our strong commitment to customer satisfaction, refunds are far and few between. (In the rare event that a refund is requested, commissions earned on that sale will be deducted from your next commission payout.)

Payout Options—We only pay through PayPal. So a Pay Pal account is required if you want to get paid. Another option is Store credit for commissions, just let us know if you wish to go that route. Store credit needs to be done manually, so you’ll need to contact us. The minimum payout level is $50.00.
Real-Time Stats and Reporting —See exactly how much you’ve made, up to date, any time of the day or night.

The Rules:
The normal stuff here for the Digital Sources4u affiliate program…
>You need to market in an ethical and legal way. We will NOT tolerate anyone who has spam. Anyone caught spamming will lose all commissions earned. If you plan on spamming, don’t sign up, we will find out, we are everywhere and have ears and eyes everywhere. You’ll be wasting your time. Serious’,
>Spamming includes, but is not limited to email, social media, and commenting.
>Sorry, you cannot buy through your own Digital Sources4u, affiliate program link. If you would rather have store credit instead & commissions, just let us know and we’ll make it happen.
>You cannot make claims about our products or services that are not true, or that are exaggerated. Doing so will mean your earnings are forfeited and your affiliate account will be closed.

What We Need From You:
We do not openly accept just ANYONE into our affiliate program. We love our affiliates and want to see them succeed. As such, please tell us all about yourself, including your REAL NAME (we like to really get to know our affiliates so we know how to best help you achieve financial success with our affiliate program), your payment email address (how else will we be able to expedite your huge commission payouts) and the website URL(s) for any items you plan on promoting our products on.

All that’s left is to enter your information below…
If you are already an affiliate please log in here

Digital Sources4u Affiliate Program